Archive | January, 2016

CCC Liversedge/Cake & Candle decorating. 5.12.15

20 Jan


From time to time Spen Valley group have not only enjoyed the fellowship of a great normal CCC meeting of chat and cake eating but also enjoyed a ‘Cake and Craft’ meeting. Again on the morning of 5th December, 2015, 19 of us were able to use the fantastic rooms in Liversedge Parish Centre, which we thank them for.  A great space for our purpose.

Our theme for our December ‘Cake and Craft’ meeting was ‘Christmas Decorations’ and we had a great busy, chatty, crafty morning eating cake and decorating candles. It seemed ages ago but Christmas is over and everyone has returned to work/school/normal I have time to share this with you.

I was so busy during our crafty morning that I had no time to take photos. Helen my daughter and  co-organiser took pictures of the fantastic cakes our lovely members had made.

Everyone had a great time and enjoyed eating and taking home the fabulous cakes.


I don’t have any pictures of the candle decorating but in the style of ‘Blue Peter, ‘ here is one I made earlier!’

IMG_4526The image on this candle was added by printing a photo of the CCC book onto tissue paper and adding to the candle by melting the wax with a heat gun.

A similar technique was achieved at our ‘cake and craft’ morning by adding pictures from paper napkins to the candles.